Sunday, January 15, 2012

Some favorite low gluten items

Some of these may be indeed gluten free, but personally we are not worried about the tiny bits of gluten at this time.  For example, we still eat cheerios. Perhaps if we see this "low gluten" approach helping but not curing our kids, we may go all the way.  Time will tell.

Here are some of the "new to us" items that we want to keep in the rotation:

  • Cinnamon Chex (this has a 'may contain peanuts' warning, so one of us can't eat it)
  • jasmine rice (seriously, plain white rice tastes like cardboard to me now that I've tried this)
  • Sesmark sesame flavored rice crackers
  • dh and I like the salt and vinegar almonds from Blue Diamond
  • Trader Joe's wheat free waffles
  • Trader Joe's corn pasta


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