Friday, February 24, 2012

Word Association, in pictures?

I thought I would pass along this survey for a study which I find interesting:

Word Association Study

It only takes a few minutes - they give you a dozen or so words and you write the first three words that come to your mind.

I realized just how visual and picture oriented I am (or have become), because I found this difficult.  The word would come up -- I'll give an example that isn't part of the study so it doesn't mess with your results -- for example, "bedspread,"  and immediately I could picture a bedspread, feel the texture of the bedspread, sense emotions tied to me being in that room with the bedspread, but finding single words that I associated with "bedspread" was like pulling teeth.   Ummmmm....warm? no, not really. Bumpy?  Eh. Bed? word. LOL   One of the words  given (it was just a color name) even brought to mind a whole funny story of my mom and the preparations for my wedding.  I had to mentally tear myself away from that and focus on The Word.

Anyway, this explains a lot, I think. Of why my blogging is a little lame, LOL.

If only I could describe the fascinating swirling images in my head, I think it would work.

Off to take my happy pills now and tell the guards they can put me back in my jacket! LOL!!

Happy day, everyone.


  1. Yes, same! I'm afraid I'm going to be one of their outliers, because some of my associations were just plain weird. I had to cheat a couple of times and put in "no response" because the association for bicycle should not really be parrot (not a real example, but just to illustrate) but that's how my strange mind works. Random.

  2. I did it and I cracked myself up with some of my first responses. This will be one interesting study!


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