Thursday, February 23, 2012

*cue the spooky music*

I believe in these Lenten times of deeper prayer and separating oneself from the world there are no coincidences.

Yesterday my mother got a kind phone call from a sweet sounding woman, asking if she would give a name of someone in her life who needed healing.

"Do I need to give you any money?"  My mom likes to cut to the chase, lol.

No, the kind lady said, we pray for the person you list and send the names to Lourdes. She said she was from a certain missionary group, Our Lady of the Snows perhaps? and that the name she gives would be prayed for at masses in Lourdes.

My mom asked if she could list more than one name, and proceed to list herself and my dad, my family members, my brother's, her brother, all who need healing...twenty minutes later, after telling her about us, the kind lady on the phone said that was great and that she was doing this to repay my Mom for all the many donations she had made in the past.


I think you have the wrong person!"

My mom had never given to this organization in her life.

"Oh!  The name we have here is M________  K_______."

Ahhhh, it was my grandmother, my mom's mother-in-law, who passed away a few years ago at the age of 96.  My mom related this information to the woman and then said, "I guess I have to forgive her now for all the mean things she did to me."

The woman on the other end was silent for a moment, then couldn't stop laughing. "I can't wait to tell everyone this story at lunch!" she said. LOL!

So what my Grandmother did years ago is paying dividends today, and we not only are getting prayed for at Lourdes, but we got a good laugh in the process.

I had prayed yesterday for a gift from Our Lady. I did not get what I asked for, but this is better.


  1. Great story!

    Do you think Our Lady will surprise you with your gift when you are no longer waiting for it? (Also, I've noticed how so often she likes to cut to the chase too, and give the heart of the gift, not what we ostensibly asked for. But here I am lecturing a Catholic on Our Lady, I am so embarassed, really this is not advice-giving, just the way I carry on normal conversations, I blame all my years as a counsellor, I hope you can forgive me and I really must stop typing right. now.)

  2. Sarah! dear one, I love you, don't worry about how you talk to me. Keep typing. :)

    I know I know so little about the infathomable Virgin Mother, so I do enjoy hearing what others have to share.

    Right now I feel Mary has that Motherly Stern Eye on me (stern but loving of course), telling me I know better and don't need This or That. You know, that 'eye' you might give a 5 year old who is about to open the fridge when you just told him not to. Or maybe that's just my house, lol.

  3. Oh my! I wandered in from Ravelry, having not read your blogs for months and months and months. What a great story! I'm glad I stopped by!


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