Friday, May 18, 2012

Seven Quick Takes

Probably the most exciting thing going on around here is that we are finally putting in a 4th bedroom to split up the 4 girls.  The men are almost done and are finishing ahead of schedule, with the exception of some things that need to be fixed in a few weeks when parts come in.   I'm not quite sure how I'm going to get the beds from where they are to in there, but that is another conundrum for another day!
About 1/2 done.  They are going to have the best closet in the house! :)

The rest of our house is *covered* in everything that used to be in this space.  I have no idea what we are going to do with it all. We are still keeping our hearts open for a move, but a 4th bedroom is good for resale value anyway, and useful for us in the short (and most likely long) term.

Last week we spent Batty's 7th birthday (SEVEN, people, she's SEVEN!) at a church fair.  Everyone had a great time. The kids are so much more daring than I ever was!

Pardon me while I mess with the new version of Picasa for awhile.  I need to change the pictures enough that you can't really tell what my kids look like. :)   It lets me share a bit, yet respect dh's wishes to not have identifiable pictures of us on the blog.

I love this statue of Mary and Jesus outside the church we were visiting

Didn't want to put this with the happy pictures of the fair, but upon leaving this view struck me.
Kinda puts it all in perspective

On THAT happy note, filed under the Bread and Circuses tab, I've been debating whether to get an ipad, and ipod, or some kind of smart phone (to replace my $15/quarter VirginMobile OldFogeyPhone).  They each have advantages and disadvantages for our situation.   The ipad I would consider a school expense. Anything to help me save space here (i.e. get an app and get rid of a game or textbook) would be useful.  Right now I'm leaning towards an LG Optimus Elite with a relatively cheap month to month plan, and a refurbished ipad or ipod from Apple. Around here the used ones are only going for a little less than I can get refurbished right from the source with a warranty.

I started exercising today after a way-too-long hiatus.  Not that I was ever much of an exerciser, but lately I've been doing next to nothing in the way of moving around other than housework and child wrangling.  I got Leslie Sansone's Walk the Walk 1 & 2 Mile DVD from Netflix. It's a very gentle walk/march with arm movements and occasional kicks, with some Christian music thrown in for good measure. Just right for this always sore Mama!  I've got to do *something* for the creeping pounds and exhaustion and crying jags.  You know you are sad when you are marching and crying at the same time, LOL!  Hopefully I can move past the 1 mile walk to the 2 mile and on to something more soon - I want to give the DVD back. ;-)  And of course feel better.    I'm sure I *could* jump right to something more difficult, but then I know I would quit.

Dh just sent me a self-evaluation he took at work, called a DiSC - for "dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness".   It's amazing how spot on it was. :)  Unfortunately, it doesn't explain how to take MY right brained, scattered, emotional brain and make it work with his engineering, perfectionist one.   (I'm not calling names, his profile was labeled, "the perfectionist") :)  We've been married 18 years and still compromise is something in which we lack significant skill.  I give in or he gives in, we have trouble seeing that middle road.  I think maybe because we are both black and white thinkers in our own way, and that "grey" area doesn't mean we are both "a little" happy, it means we are both sad that we didn't get our black or white.  I'd rather HE be happy and me be sad than both of us be unhappy!


Is it wrong of me to think that my son's prednisone induced chipmunk cheeks are the cutest thing ever??  He was losing that toddler pudge now that he is 4, and I missed that little boy look. Love me some dimples!  ((prayers appreciated for our doctor visit in two weeks - there will be a med change and I need guidance -- chemo drug or back to a drug that didn't work well before? And if the methotrexate, then daily liquid or weekly shot? Sigh.))

For more 7 Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary! (and please pray for them, there was a recent tragedy in her neighborhood)


  1. How exciting to finally get that fourth bedroom! Although my heart still hopes for a good move for you ...

    I loved the photos of the fair, and that at the end of them was one of Mary and Child, as if they are part of your family also :-)

  2. Thanks Sarah! I didn't do that on purpose, but I hope they feel like they are part of my family. :) The way I fail to treat them properly, however, they probably feel more like the third cousin twice removed that no one remembers to invite to holiday dinners than beloved Mother and Brother. :(

  3. Amy, you are such a great writer! Please keep writing when life allows, you have so much to offer!

    Excellent progress on the house! Things always get messy before they get better! Baby Steps!

    I absolutely love your pictures on this post ~ very creative!

    It's amazing how much better I feel when I take the time to exercise and take care of myself.
    It's hard to do but so worth it in the end!
    Great Job!! : )

  4. Thank you Inge, you are too kind! Hope all is well with you! :)

  5. Checking in to say hi, Amy! Those pics are great! I, too, would like to make my pics less recognizable. Will try picasa. Neat.

    Prayers for your little chipmunk.

    And I love Leslie Sansone. Just got back on the wagon.

  6. Hi Jeannine! Congrats on getting back on the wagon. I already fell off, lol! Something about walking in place hurts my back, I think I tense funny because it is not natural to walk that way. But dh has agreed to be "on call" while I take a (very) early morning dash around the block. :)


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