Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lazy July Daybook

This has been one of the most UNlazy weeks in a long time, but I am *feeling* lazy, so the title fits. :)


Outside my window... 
the unbearable heat and humidity has been replaced by only extreme heat and humidity. Actually, as it was overcast much of today, it wasn't bad. It's funny that people around here are talking about 89*F temps as if they are refreshing.

I'm loving how many bunnies we see on a regular basis. This usually means our resident suburban fox has found another hunting ground. I'm happy for that, too, although it was always a thrill to see Scratchy run through the backyard.  Lest you think we live on some awesome acreage in the country, it's more like .18 acres in suburbia. We're lucky to back to some trees, though, so we get some happy nature moments.

I am thinking...
of how hard it is to step out and be completely different from all the homeschoolers who have supported and taught me thus far, and by doing this becoming exactly what I had always (gently) made fun of.  

I am thankful...
for a good visit with the rheumatologist for Jeffrey. Seems his little pain relapse was probably only caused by his high fevers from the flu a few weeks ago, and he has apparently recovered nicely from it.

In the kitchen...
cinnamon toast for dinner. The kids came home from the doctor's and had leftovers at 3:30 PM as "snack" - so now we get to have snack for dinner. No one is complaining. (Editing to add: except me. Someone ate my toast while I was finishing up this post). :)

I am wearing...
Dh's T-shirt and jean capris. I actually looked put together a few hours ago to take Jeffrey to the doctor.

I am creating...
Plans for a new school year. Well, not so much creating. Just opening, lol.

I am going...
To our second attempt at vacation bible school. Luckily this week everyone is healthy. Last time 2 of the 3 attendees had 103 degree fevers most of the week and missed all but a day or so.  This was right before our big heat wave, so I kept thinking "fevers" when people were talking about outside temperature. "It's 101!" they would say, and I would immediately think,"That's nothing, last week Batty was 103.7!"

I am wondering...
what this new year will be like, and what kinds of fun things we can do to our house now that we have decided not to move.

I am reading...
Nothing at the moment (or I could quip, "this computer screen!" LOL) but I have our new shrink wrapped
Seton lesson plans sitting right next to me that I'm hoping to rip into soon!

I am hoping...
we have more deliveries tomorrow!  CHC, Rainbow Resource, and MyBinding.com all have boxes aimed at our house :)

I am looking forward to...
seeing the ocean (not very soon, but I couldn't think of anything else! Maybe this is my problem??)

Around the house...
Still not fully "dug out" from finishing off our only place of storage so the older girls could have their own bedroom. My closet looks like an episode of Hoarders, and there are various storage boxes and rubbermaid containers randomly throughout the house.  But I'm *excited* that dh has been seeing the house and our stuff with new eyes...seeing things he doesn't want around anymore. Anything to make some space for what we DO want!

A favorite quote for today...

Commit your life to the Lord,
trust in him and he will act,
so that your justice breaks forth like the light,
your cause like the noon-day sun.
Be still before the Lord and wait in patience;
do not fret at the man who prospers;
a man who makes evil plots
to bring down the needy and the poor.
Calm your anger and forget your rage;
do not fret, it only leads to evil.
For those who do evil shall perish;
the patient shall inherit the land.

(from today's Divine Office, Office of Readings, based closely on Psalm 37)

One of my favorite things...
When a box of new curriculum shows up on our doorstep!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
VBS and hopefully not much else. Picking up The Dyslexic Advantage from the library. Getting Rose to art camp.  Reading lesson plans and waiting impatiently for our other boxes. Maybe shoe and eyeglasses shopping. Not enough sleeping.

A peek into my day...

Skye got her shirt from Sky VBS (funny coincidence) and it was HUGE - she got the last one in the box and it was an adult 3X --she's a slim 12yo.   So I gave the girls a lesson in deconstructing a t-shirt. Now Rose is itching to attack all her shirts. :)   My shy Sky got a taste of being popular, too, as everyone at vbs loved it.

For more daybooks, please visit The Simple Woman's Daybook. 


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