Sunday, September 02, 2012


I just checked my stats and I have 9,999 pageviews. I wish I could figure out who is my 10,000th when it happens. :)  Well, to whoever you are, thank you... and all the rest of you.  I know some of your probably get that many views a month (or day, lol) but I am not that person.  Just loving on the interestingly repetitive number of 9999 and the roundness of 10,000.

Speaking of round numbers, my parents just celebrated their 50th anniversary. Fifty!  It seems surreal, especially after what happened with my mom last month. We are all so thankful she was still around to celebrate. 

St. Dh and I were figuring out how much longer they have been married than us, and it was 2.7 times longer. Actually, it was 2.7027027027.   Cool.   

Dh and I feel we have been married a long time. It *feels* like a long time (it's also been a heckuva last 15 years, lol) ... but to think we could do it over two times and not even be at fifty years is at once an exciting and terrifying thought. 

This is my beautiful mother. She has been through so much in her life. She is the strongest person I know! Life knocks her down and she just keeps on going.  My dad loves her so, and has started calling her "my girlfriend."

My mom also has a dry wit.  When they were coming out of Mass on Palm Sunday many years ago, my dad said to her as they were walking to their car, "Don't forget your cross, do you have your cross?"   And my mom smirked and said, "I'm holding his hand, dear."

Happy anniversary Mom and Dad!

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