Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Coffee Talk (er, make mine a hot cocoa, please)

To make up for yesterday's post, I need to come into this space and breathe some love into it.  Thank you to those who brought their own love to me yesterday in print and even just in your hearts. It felt good to finally just say things "out loud" and attempt to move on.

Anywho, attempting to move on...

Join me for some morning (midafternoon, evening, midnight) talk and yummy drink.  I don't like coffee, so I always choose hot chocolate when I can.  Actually, this morning I'm drinking this:

...not very good for me, but we had them in the house for Rose's gum surgery two weeks ago, and I didn't realize they had Splenda in them when I got them.  So I get to poison myself now. :) This is the last one.

My youngest two are sitting next to me, pretending to do math, but actually having a buzzing bee contest.  Let's see who can make a buzzing sound the longest without breathing! OK, again!  Again! Again! Which is why I'm here blogging, to keep myself from poking myself in the eye with a fork, lol.

Have any of you older moms found that with the nearing (or passing) of menopause that you can't stand to be talked at all day?  My children don't hold conversations, they bullet words at me like an Uzi. All. Day. They mean well, of course, but I feel almost physical pain when they are all talking at me at once. Yes, we are working on it. The older ones are SO much better.  I have hope for our future. :)

Batty came upstairs dressed in this playsilk and scrap wedding gown designed by Skye. Hair up in an elegant little bun, she was stunning, as far as seven year olds go.   I decided to lock her in the closet when she turns 15. ;-)

Speaking of girls, Dh and I just started watching "Last Man Standing," a TV series with Tim Allen, where he portrays a married man with three teen girls and a little boy.  Funny, because we can relate! Kind of like how  we loved Friends as young twenty-somethings, even though I roll my eyes at a lot of it now.  Although 15 minutes of Friends bloopers can have me laughing so hard my cheeks hurt (I did not watch this particular link so proceed at your own risk).

Skye is reading her Seton Religion 7 text out loud to the youngest two in the voice of Obi Wan Kenobi, with a little Star Wars figurine in her hands.  "Be quiet Han! It's Sunday School!" she scolds the little ones when they are being silly. I love homeschooling.

We had an ant invasion this week.  The side benefit of being overrun by bugs is that my kitchen hasn't looked this clean and clutter free in ages.  We still don't want them around, but I hope I can figure out how to keep the kitchen this nice on a more regular basis. It's hard when there are too many cooks and not enough good cleaneruppers.

Praying for all my readers this week!


  1. That dress is amazing! Quite artistic and feminine!

    1. Thanks! With four girls they get a lot of practice with the dress ups. :)

  2. Gosh, that dress is gorgeous! And she made it out of play silks and scraps? Wow.

    1. I was shocked when I saw it too - but she didn't sew it or anything, it's just tucked and tied. :)

  3. Your header is perfectly stunning!

    The wedding dress is also a work of art! Your kids sound so creative.

    I have boys that insult and jostle each other instead of girls who fire verbal bullets so my issues are different but I know how the peri-menopausal blues go for sure.


  4. Thank you Willa! It's so good to see you. :)


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