Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Word for 2013

Since it is almost 2013, I've been thinking about having a "word" that would be my focus for 2013.  Now that the kids are a little older, I feel like I can hopefully step away from my role of constantly putting out fires and managing chaos, and be a little more of my own person.

That's not to say I want to be selfish. Well, I *do* want to be selfish, LOL, don't we all fight against that daily?  But seriously, by being my own person I mean that I want to live a full life and invite my children into it, instead of having no time for that, and constantly running from one need to the next.

So for 2013, my word is going to be MODEL.

If I want my children to be good writers and enjoy writing, they need to see me write.

If I want them to enjoy their work they need to see me enjoy mine.

If I want them to develop interests, they need to see me doing things - starting up the piano again, or learning to paint, or taking up those jumbled yarn makers, I mean "knitting needles". ;-)

Truly, I have no idea if this is even possible - where will I find the time to become Amy?  I've tried and failed to get out of 'crisis mode' for 15 years. Hopefully the 16th year's the charm.


  1. I think that is an excellent idea, and an excellent word.I have actually been thinking along the same lines lately (Imagine that! We seem to be on the same wavelength quite often!)and am working on setting up some space to do more projects of my own--sewing, painting, etc. If I want my kids to get off the electronics and do more "real" stuff, then I suppose I need to do the same, right?
    Let me know how it goes!

  2. What Theresa said! Wishing you a fruitful year of becoming more Amy! ;-). I hope "writing" translates into "blogging" because I love reading your writing.

  3. Thank you both! Happy new year! :)


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