Sunday, December 02, 2012

Personality Quiz

Sarah shared a personality quiz where you simply rank the months in order from your most favorite to least favorite, and comment if you like.

Here's mine:

1. February - my birthday. I love the month for it's oddness: shorter than the others, sometimes has leapyear, is home to the most sweetly sorrowful day of the year (my birthday), and also my 9yo's birthday.  It's getting lighter, winter is slowing to a close, and at least in the NE where I grew up, there was usually one last snowstorm to make all that cold and drear worth it.

2. September - I always liked the start of school, the warm days and cool nights, and the leaves beginning to turn and crisp.

3.  December - Christmas! Advent! Houses lit up! Love it.

4.  Can April/May/June tie for 4th?  They all seem like one month to me. :)  Warming up, trees blossoming - since moving here where the local streets are lined with trees that blossom beautifully in the spring, I appreciate these months very much.

5.  The rest of the year just s*cks, lol.  Ok, seriously - Maybe October should be here - I love the crisp leaves on the ground and the beauty of the trees, but I don't like the whole "let's decorate for Halloween" thing.  Not sure why.  I think I have "Halloween baggage" like I have Thanksgiving baggage (see below).

6. November has bad memories of Thanksgivings.  Not big on stressful family holidays.

7.  July and August are tied for being the same hot humid dreadful month.

8.  January's just "eh".  Cold, and usually rainy here.

9 March is cold and rainy and muddy and far away enough from all major holidays and birthdays that it's no fun.

This was harder than I thought - I have months I like and months I tolerate, but I can find nice things about all of them.

1 comment:

  1. It's a fun and surprisingly insightful quiz, isn't it? I loved reading yours.


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