Monday, March 25, 2013


A quick post to share that I finally finished a little lap blanket that was supposed to be a huge quilt.  I knew my "project eyes" were bigger than my ability to stomach all that crafting, as usual (ummm, wallpaper stripped in my kitchen for, gulp, a year without being repainted, anyone?) So I turned  it into a lap blanket and finished it off this weekend. I did not block it. (See above comment. It ain't happenin'.) Jennifer shared the pattern ages ago.

Without further ado, because this won't even get posted if I don't just hurry up already, here it is.

The picture seems a little washed out color-wise, but you get the idea.

I'm off to help the kids enjoy some spring snow!


  1. Oh Amy! This is beautiful. I so wish I could crochet! Enjoy your snow! (I think lap sized blankets are used more frequently anyway.)

  2. Thank you Jennifer! The kids have had a great time in the snow and I have enjoyed the yummy hot chocolate my oldest made. :)

  3. That is so lovely! I too wish I could crochet. I envy you that skill - and I envy you your snow!


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