Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday Monday

Thankful for...
~a beautiful Saturday for my beautiful daughter to receive Our Beautiful Lord in the Eucharist for the first time!
~ that a child who was sick quickly recovered as if nothing had happened.

In the schoolroom...
~we are trying to start back after some time off. Several children are getting started with Seton this week.  It's been rough today, especially after too little sleep on my part and a scare that everyone was going to be sick all week.  Now if only I could get these girls to stooooooop taaaaaaallllllkkkkkiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg ..... and then there is poor bored Jeffrey...

~for my brother as he looks for a job
~for all the children who received their First Holy Communion this weekend, and their families

~whether I need to hire a professional organizer.  I'm totally at a standstill about how to put away what we have left after years of decluttering.  I don't see how we can get rid of much more while still living and homeschooling, yet so many things don't have a good home and the house always looks like a bomb hit it. Especially the kitchen.  And when I *start* to try and get things put away, I get paralyzed, randomly do a few things and give up.  I think I need help.  I think part of the reason I don't want to clean it up and don't want to hire someone to organize it, is that I still want to move and can't seem to drop that dream. I don't *want* to be here. *sticks out tongue at life*   So mature, I know.  It doesn't help that a house I really like is back on the market. It belonged to friends of ours years ago. I know the house and know it works with a big family. I love love love the sunroom and kitchen. More room, places to go while working that are far from other people making noise.The bigger fenced backyard with room for a bigger garden. We can afford it...but then we can't afford high school (if kids want to go there) and maybe college will be more of a struggle.  I don't care. I know, mature, right? :-P

~my last girl has had her First Holy Communion, and now her dress and veil hang on my closet door, never to be used again. I'm avoiding putting it away because I don't want to acknowledge that it is over.  But I can't wait to buy a little suit for next time! :)

Kid funnies...
~Jane: School is like running on a treadmill. You work hard to stay on track, and if you get behind you have to work harder to get back where you need to be. But wait, you can't get ahead on a treadmill, so nevermind. School is more like being on an island that is slowly sinking." LOL!  Not sure if that's a great analogy, but we all found it funny and truthful, at least the way today feels!

~Jeffrey (at a different time):  I need a blow noser. (tissue)

Listening to...
The audio of this video while I do other things (like type this blog post) :)  I'm trying to run the fine line in teaching evolution - getting the science right without throwing God out with the bathwater.

OK Seriously...

why won't these children STOP TALKING??  Nothing gets done.  And my ears are bleeding.

~orthodontist this week, 2 years and counting! I hope it's over soon (this is for me...we have other children in the pipeline)
~Batty's birthday on the 10th, Mother's Day, and then our anniversary! I hope we get to go out to eat.

Well, I need to run, sorry for this boring and pictureless post!


  1. Congratulations again to your daughter. Are you able to donate her dress to a family who may be blessed by it? Or else are you able to keep it for her own children? Or does every girl get her own new dress rather than an heirloom?

    I'm sorry for your problem with talking girls, but as the mother of an only child who is homeschooled, I (and my child!) would love to have that problem. It can get very quiet here ...

    1. I'm not sure what we'll do with the dress yet. I was thinking of saving them (I don't save much!) but then dh, bless him, said that they would probably yellow over time, and our kids wouldn't want *their* kids in a yellow First Holy Communion dress. So we'll probably donate. *gulp* *sob* (this from someone who happily gives away almost everything else)

      As for the noise, I know it is either feast or famine. I'm sure I would want more talking, and even do think it is so quiet when they are gone, but after a few hours every day my ears literally hurt, and I'm running and hiding with chocolate cake in the bathroom. :)

  2. Cute quotes from your kids!

    Our experience with college was that it helped to be poor. More access to various types of grants and funds. However, that might not be true across the board. And it doesn't sound very responsible to say, either, perhaps.

    My youngest two are my biggest talkers so far. I used to have to encourage my boys to talk. But I am afraid with the younger ones, I sometimes tune them out. When my youngest is being quiet, I almost always find him sneaking time on the computer ;- /

    1. Ha, Willa, we find kids sneaking away (mostly for screen time) when they are quiet too. I often just let them for the peace and quiet. I'm bad. No wait, I'm human.

      We've often wondered about the "poor college family" thing...we've applied for "high school aid" last year, and were bemoaning the fact that we most likely wouldn't get any money. It's because we have a sizable nest egg, but the only reason we HAVE such is because we have sacrificed for years and years and years to build it up, hoping to move into a house that fits us better. While people who have been living high on the hog (where did that saying come from, anyway??) and LOOK poorer will get money for school because they "can't afford it" -- with their 4000 square foot homes in an expensive town. Not fair. (and I'm not talking about you Willa, of course, but people in my area are definitely like this)

  3. Congratulations on your daughter's FHC!! I take out Melissa's dress once in a while and remember and get sad that it will never be worn again.


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