Friday, September 24, 2010

A gift, a surprise

Today I was clearing off my desktop -- my computer desktop, I don't own a real desk -- when I came across this link that I had saved ages ago. It was a link to this prayer (I believe it's a known prayer, not something the blogger made up, so I hope it's OK to post it in its entirety)

Our Lady Of Surprises

O, Mary my mother and Our Lady of surprises
what a happy joy you caused the wedding guests,
when you asked your Divine Son
to work the miracle of water into Wine
What a happy surprise for them, since they
thought the wine had run dry, I too Mary
love surprises, and as your child
may I ask you to favour me with one today.
I ask this only because you are
my ever caring Mother, Amen.

My heart swelled as I read the prayer. How lovely! I thought, and prayed it.   I am sick today, have other things weighing heavily on my mind, and I could really  use a little gift.

Dear Mary works fast.   Only a few minutes after praying the prayer, the phone rang. It was the radiologist's office trying to schedule St. DH's MRI.   This may not sound like a gift, but it was!  DH had left them a message too long  awhile ago, and I was trying desperately NOT to nag him to call them back and get the darn thing  appointment scheduled, because, you know, I care so much about him and want him to be healed and if he's fine he'll let us move FINALLY cause there's a darling house for sale in a good neighborhood and if it sells just because he wouldn't call the MRI place back I was going to cry. A LOT.  :)   He wasn't home so I gave them his cell number (hoping he's not mad at me for that. I figured it was Mary's gift and I'd better help it along!)

Generous mother that she is(!) I got TWO gifts - as I was typing out the last paragraph, DH's physiatrist called back and asked if the MRI was being scheduled and what was up with all that.  I was able to hand her off to my dh once more - I so hope he was able to get his phone and get this all worked out.   It's just so unlikely the way this all played out, it HAD to be Mary.

Thank you Dear Mother, I needed that.


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