Tuesday, September 28, 2010

OK, so...

this is the story.  The story of a crazy, desperate person.

You'd think after getting a gift from the Blessed Virgin Mary I'd be happy, right?  Well, a conversation with my husband about the incident, in which I misinterpreted much of what he said, left me bereft - sobbing for hours because I was convinced that the "gift" wasn't real and that God and the Blessed Virgin really DIDN'T CARE.  I've been in such an awful dry, dark spell for ages and ages, and I just couldn't take it anymore!

We cleared up the misunderstandings a bit later, but I still had my lingering doubts.

I dared pray that prayer again today.   Today's one of those crazy hormonal days where I come very close to losing my mind.  Many tears and expressions of woe.  Wondering just how I'll make it another minute.  Definitely a day where a little expression of love from my Mother would make a huge difference.   I knew I was being bold, and bratty, but I HURT so and needed to know Someone was with me.

I prayed it, and waited ... hoping that God didn't disapprove of me selfishly wanting a little proof of the love of His Mother.

Shortly after I prayed it the mailman drove by, but I didn't go out and get the mail right away. I should  have!

This was in the mail for me:

"A Special Gift For You"

It says inside, "All who carry this medal will receive great favors...Favors will abound if it is worn with devotion." - Words of Our Lady to St. Catherine Laboure.

You bet your booties I put it on.


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