Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I've got to watch what I pray for...

This morning dh and I were talking about a strange phenomenon going on with us lately - he has back problems that have been flaring lately, but every time *I* am having pain for some reason, he has a respite (pain but functional). Two weeks ago I was sick with a strep-like thing, I've hurt my foot, I've had bad (TMI) female things...

Today all that was ending, so I jokingly said "I'll try to hurt myself a bit today so that you (meaning dh) won't be in too much pain at work." (of course he was horrified, but I take one for my team, LOL)

Fast forward a bit and I find myself climbing up onto my daughters' bunk to replace a broken windowshade. As I'm climbing the ladder with the shade in one hand I'm praying, "God, Mary, I know I wanted to be hurt a bit, but I'm nervous climbing up this big ladder that I'm going to fall BAD and break something because I prayed to be hurt, you know I'm all my family's got"  **!!THWACK!!** and I smacked my head hard into the ceiling because I was so busy praying not to fall.

It was just enough. Lingering pain but still functional.

 Thanks, God.  I think.

*cue birdies chirping*


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