Monday, July 25, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...
rain! Glorious rain after weeks of 102* temps with 99% humidity. I do hope this can cool things off a bit, or at the very least water our dead lawn.

I am thinking...
only of today. Thinking of "tomorrow" is too stressful.

I am thankful...
for a patient husband

a potential new home
a patient realtor (seriously)

From the learning rooms...
We are still doing our "summer school" of Elementary Spanish from Discovery Education Streaming, and math "upkeep".  Planning out the first few months of school that will begin in a few weeks!

In the kitchen...
Sloppy Toms and french fries.  Hoping to totally overhaul our menu soon.

I am wearing...
red t-shirt and this skirt in black

I am creating...
a contract on a new home. Well, *I'm* not creating it, but I'm helping read and edit it.  13yo dd is crocheting a blanket out of scraps though!  :)

I am going...
to the Rheumatologist with the 3yo.  It's been a month and he is still  limping and in pain all day.  Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis seems a distinct possibility, given our history of kids with auto-immune issues.  Of course I'm hoping it's something lesser and fixable, but I'm also preparing myself to deal with this possible reality.  

I am wondering...
No wondering allowed this week. I'm staying "in the moment."   Wondering has only lead to crying jags and a husband who looks at me with that deer in the headlights look, lol.

I am reading...
I have dropped reading this month for going nuts on Pinterest. :)  Just what this visual right-brainer needed.

I am hoping...
~that the new doctor is nice, and GOOD, and thorough, and on time

~that I can come up with a new set of healthy, allergen free, yummy menu plans soon.

I am looking forward to...
moving (if it happens)

heaven :)

I am hearing...
music of a Nancy Drew game my 11yo is playing, my 3yo whining to be carried upstairs, thunder

Around the house...
the scattered remains of a full life.

I am pondering...
*what God's will is, and why my whole family seems to be falling apart physically.

*how to put what I believe about schooling into practice with 5 *very* different (and needy) children

*how I can use my (few) semi-talents for God's glory AND a little spending money

One of my favorite things...
Pinterest.  Did I mention how much in love I am?

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Rheumatologist visit

meet with realtor (probably more than once)

depending on how that goes, either a) cry and carry on, or b) pack and paint.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
It's a rabbit version of Where's Waldo.  A few nights ago there were *four* bunnies on our lawn at the same time!  Ignore the humiliating dead side of our lawn.  The side not in the picture is much nicer looking. :)

For more daybooks, please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook!

(forgive the crazy formatting of this post - I didn't do it, it seems to be changing itself!)


  1. My husband also gets that deer in the headlights look. It's hilarious. Glad to see you pop up in my reader, Amy.

  2. Good luck with the house! And the doctor! And the lawn! And the school prep! And everything, basically :-) How awful to have your baby facing such a diagnosis :-(

    I love Pinterest too.

  3. Thanks both of you! It's funny Adie, I hardly cried when my now 13yo was diagnosed with alopecia (and later with LDs), or my 11yo when we found out she couldn't hear in one ear, or for any of their food allergies (although I *do* cry in the supermarket trying to find yummy foods to feed them, lol)...but I am *freaking out* about this thing going on with my 3yo. My SON. My joy! Our baby! I'm going all "mama bear" on God and very angry that He is hurting my baby.

    But I'm not going to think about that right now. :)


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