Wednesday, December 21, 2011

If your words create your life...

...then I think I should rename this blog something like, "Boring, safe, peaceful, happy, loving, life" LOL.

Nothing in particular has happened to spark this proclamation; I'm just tired of adventure and want to sleep. 

Christmas shopping is almost done. We need stocking stuffers, and the children need to do something for one sibling each. Maybe we'll bake tomorrow, although I don't know if any of us are really "into" it.

I could look at the neighborhood Christmas lights all day and night though. So beautiful, sparkling bits of light, like the stars come to earth for a time. It's truly what gets me through these dark days.

Today there was a bone marrow registry drive at our church for a parishoner's daughter who is fighting lymphoma after having a heart transplant several years ago (I was surprised to find out a few years ago that this is not uncommon).  I thought a few people would show up, but the place was PACKED.  I was not mentally prepared for the crowd, the lines, the noise ... swabbing the inside of my cheek with six other people at my table and a huge line of people standing next to me watching was strangely unsettling and violating.  Then I had to go mail the envelope containing the samples myself! With something like "human biological sample" written in big letters on it.  

"Here Mr. Mailman! No, it's not urine or anything!"  LOL  :-P  

 I quietly dropped that thing in a mailbox on my way home. 

 I don't know why it all bothers me so much. I guess I figured that I was doing something  nice for this poor girl, I didn't expect to be herded around like cattle in a noisy barn and told to deal with my own "sample".  That, and I know if it were OUR family in need, there would maybe be 5 people there if we were lucky, not 500.   

These are my helpers.

I do hope they find a match for the girl. I even hope it's me. That would make me feel good. I'm not even going to think about how they have to harvest the bone marrow. *shudder*


  1. Hi, I just found you from LM,LD. I love your Saints. Where did you get them?


    p.s. Merry Christmas and I hope the spirit found you.

  2. Hi Tracy! I bought them from Catholic Folk Toys on etsy: They are expensive, but we built our stash up over time. I would say they are well worth it though - her level of detail is exquisite, and they are hands down the most played with "toys" here.

    Merry Christmas to you!


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