Friday, December 23, 2011

Seven Quick Takes

7 quick takes


I just spent at least four hours wrapping presents. I am SO OLD.  I feel like I just ran a 10K. On my back.  At least I'm done. I think.


Is anyone thinking of their word or phrase for 2012?  I don't know if I did one last year. I think the year before my phrase was "I get to".   As in, remember that I *get* to teach my kids, wash their clothes, cook their meals, because I am THAT LUCKY to be able to have my family in my life and care for them.  I still need to cement this in my brain, when I am so tired of being the *only one* who "gets to" do this, lol.  I have no word for next year. I'm too tired. Maybe "sleep".  :)


For those of you that choose a new patron saint for your year, don't forget Conversion Diary's Saint Name Generator.  This thing really works.  I used it last week when I was feeling particularly down and needed some extra spiritual muscles behind me. I had just had a fight with my dh over an in-law situation (realized later it was completely a misunderstanding - I'm not having problems with my in-laws).  Prayed while the website was "churning" and hit "find a saint for me" -- my saint for the next two weeks is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and the first thing mentioned in her description was "patron saint of in-law problems" !!

I know I'm a boring broken record lately, but I'm still (over)thinking this whole "gluten free" thing.  My son has a rheumatologist appointment at the end of the month.  He has been on his one drug since late July/early August. It's doing some good, but the inflammation is still there and he continues to have pain and swelling. Seeing as it's essential to quell that so that he can grow properly, I have a feeling the doc isn't going to wait any longer to add another drug, which is much stronger with worse side effects.  I feel backed into a wall -- I feel I need to go gluten free NOW (like two weeks ago, now) and see if there is any change in Jeffrey before his appointment, to potentially save him from needing the stronger meds.    All that being (very awkwardly) said I'm struggling to find things to cook and eat that won't cause a huge revolt here at Castle Adventureland.   And I just wrote and deleted a huge ramble...too long for a 7 quick takes. I think I'll "think outloud" in a post all it's own. Don't say I didn't warn you.


My four year old is reading.  Yes, I'm bragging. And only a teeny-tiny part of me is crying, since my *baby* is reading.


I think aliens have come and stolen my dh and exchanged him for an agreeable man without an over-analytical engineering brain.  Either that or prayer works. The man actually said, "I don't care, whatever you want," the other day.  And I think he meant it.  Strange. Very strange indeed. ;-)  You wives of engineers will understand.


Merry Christmas everyone!!  


  1. Ah, I've so much missed your posts :-) Good luck with the gluten free thing, it seem entirely possible to eat enjoyably with it, so long as you are able to spend an absolute fortune. At least that's the way it is here. $10 for a loaf of gluten free bread.

    I haven't chosen a word for 2012 but I think I know what it would be. And I will do the saint name generator again - you're right, it really does work :-)

    blessings for Christmas.

  2. Btw, I just did the saint generator, and it was perfect. As usual. Thanks for the reminder :-)

  3. Amy, I'm so happy you're posting again! I love reading your posts! Never compare yourself to others, because I love YOUR style! It's not boring at all.

    Now, as far as gluten free, I'd love to chat about it with you! First of all, do you already have a menu plan or a list of all the possible breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you usually make?

    Are sandwiches often in the rotation? Is that one of the hurdles? My son doesn't really like gluten free bread, and opts for eating the meat alone and then starches on the side.

    I make extra to serve leftovers for lunch. We often use frozen rice and waffles as the quick subs.

    Be careful to not go crazy on the substituting gluten free flours for the wheat, because they are very high in the glycemic load -- which high blood sugars can cause other problems.

    Is it also oats and other grains? You might just try wheat free and then remove more gluten products if you see no result.

    Send me an email of your recipes or rotations and I can brainstorm with you if you want! I know we cook differently, so everyone's experience is different.

    Oh, the sacrifices we make for our children!

  4. Merry Christmas, Amy! May God bless you and yours in this new year and always!


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