Thursday, January 26, 2012

52 Books in 52 Weeks: Week 4

I can't believe I made it to week 4, lol!   I *do* read, constantly, but I'm usually reading catalogs, or articles from a magazine, facebook statuses, or seven tenths of a book ;-) and can't really post on that or review.

This week's book is hopefully my last gluten free book review, because honestly, I'm tired of it!

Living Gluten Free for Dummies by Danna Korn was right up my alley.  In true "dummies" style it covers all the basics of a subject, delving off into more complicated topics here and there.  This book talks about everything from emotional difficulties when you or your child is diagnosed with celiac, to shopping and cooking strategies, identifying symptoms of gluten intolerance and getting diagnosed, recipes and more. The link above (to the book on Amazon) has a 'search inside' feature where you can see the table of contents and parts of the book.  The short sections are just long enough to keep my ADHD brain interested, while being long enough to explain what they need to.  

I only have two small complaints, and one may be because I have 14 years experience with kids with food allergies -- the author states that it's essential to eat NO gluten (none, nada, not even a trace!) if you have celiac disease, and there are places where she seems to stand by that, but there are other times where her explanations of how to stay "safe", like at a restaurant, leave me a little nervous.   The second was her more than occasional reference to how she doesn't like cooking much, and to her it's best to find a way to just open up a box or use a mix...but oh, someone else tried these recipes and they actually work so here they are! LOL.   I guess that's very down to earth and most people only dealing with celiac (as opposed to celiac plus other allergies or cooking needs)  can appreciate that.  Coming from where I'm coming from, I didn't.

BUT, I think this book was great to read if you need to know about gluten free living, cooking, and parenting, my complaints are small compared to the great amount of knowledge shared in the book.

For more book review links, visit Robin at Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks!


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