Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pinning It Down


The humility version (when are they not around here?)

Today we made Chewy Cinnamon Almond Cookies from Nourished and Nurtured.

We had fun. That about sums up the good parts, lol.

Yes I make cookies on the floor so the littles can reach and not push each other off the stools. Doesn't everyone? :-P

We decided to add chocolate chips, because that makes everything better.

And it needed "making better" because they didn't turn out at all like they should have. Yes, I had to substitute Earth Balance for the butter, but I hoped that wouldn't make too much of a difference.  They were supposed to flatten to cook through and look like nice cookies. Instead they stayed round like balls and started to burn even though I set everything according to directions.


Live and learn! :) 

I think I will start pinning crafts. Easy stuff. :) 

And as my realtor (who has shown us a zillion houses, helped us write several contracts that fell through, and     must be completely exasperated with me by now) likes to say when I email her with yet another reason why we can't buy the almost perfect house we just saw:

We live to fight another day!!


  1. They sound really yummy- did they taste good, even though they didn't come out quite like you hoped?

  2. Hi Sarah! I think the jury is out on the taste. The chocolate chips really helped at least. The ones I cooked on the baking stone (pictured) came out even better than the next batch which I did on a cookie tray. "Burnt" does not go well with the taste or texture of these cookies! :)

  3. I am just in awe that you make cookies on the floor. It would solve so many problems here -- except then I would have to clean the floor (and I mean before). Chocolate chips make everything better!

  4. Amy
    I'm finding that almond flour burns much faster, I've begun taking everything out at least 5 min before recipe says.
    that is a huge cookie tray!

  5. Well, the making cookies on the floor with littles is a great idea! Pin worthy even. :)

  6. I agree with Laurie ~ making cookies on the floor is such a good idea, I wish I had known about that idea much, much sooner!

    Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE the matryoshka family in your profile?

  7. Amy, I tried making those cookies at Christmas this year, and they never spread even when using butter. They did taste good, though. I always bake my almond flour cookies 25 degrees lower than the temp called for because they can really burn fast, especially if your oven is temperamental (like mine.)

  8. I like the big puffy kinds of cookies that don't spread out. ;) But then again, I like the cookie dough better than cooked cookies as well. I'm weird like that.

  9. Thank you everyone for your comments and advice on how not to burn them next time! This was our first time using almond flour so I'm a newbie. :) I think I would have liked them better with a finer almond flour also - ours was very coarse. Onward and upward!


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