Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy 2012!

This morning we used Jennifer Fulwiler's great Saint Name Generator to pick our Patron Saints for 2012.   We usually do it on New Year's Eve, but didn't remember until many of us had gone to bed.  So feeling kind of unprotected, lol, we hurried to do it at breakfast this morning. :)

Dh:  St. Martha 
Me: St. John of Parma (maybe a Blessed?)
Juliet: St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
Maggie: St. Philip Neri
Grace: St. Hyacinth
Leah: St. Francis de Sales
Jeffrey: St. Catherine del Ricci

When I came back to the computer to write this post, the Saint Generator was "churning"  (if you use it you'll know what I mean). So I clicked on it, and we are going to use the result as our Family Patron for the year:  St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Holy Men and Women of God, Pray for us!


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