Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thankful for the little things

Took Jeffrey (and the rest of them!) to the rheumatologist this morning.  Doctor says his bloodwork looks good, and since he is responding to some extent to his meds, we only have to "up" them a bit to hopefully wipe out the last of the inflammation that has settled into his knee and wrist. His other knee and elbow look better.

I'm thankful:

  • that we are not trying stronger drugs yet
  • that because we are not trying stronger drugs we can give this new diet some time to work
  • and because of the above two, I didn't have to even mention the diet because I *really* couldn't have handled the eye rolling from the doctor this morning. :-P
The girls were so good, and Jeffrey was calm too. He used to cry through every visit with every type of doctor, no matter what they were doing to him. Today he sat there and laughed with the doctor about the dumpster emptying truck outside and didn't even squirm (much) when the blood pressure cuff squeeeeezed his arm tight. My mommy heart needed that today.

The sun even came out on the way home, and they all went outside for ten whole minutes.  I had TEN MINUTES of quiet.  

Those were ten Very Nice Minutes.

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  1. Yay! Praise God for good Rheumy Appts!
    My little one seen hers last week and we upped her meds a bit also since she still has inflammation in one little finger (which is good considering she had it in almost all her major joints!).

    Yeah, they arent too natural minded around here either *snicker

  2. How wonderful Jeffrey was so calm:)


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