Monday, February 20, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...
the sun! the sun! O how I love the sun!

I am thinking... 
about houses, my parents, and vampires. There's a joke in there somewhere.

I am thankful... 
for my long suffering husband, the joy of friends with happy news, this version of the angelus that calms me down when I need centering.

In the kitchen... 

 I am wearing... 
navy long sleeve T-shirt, black pants (ok, sweats)

 I am creating... 
 pot roast (love my crock pot!)

 I am going... 
to chill out for Lent.

 I am wondering... 
 about living with my parents, who are serious again about wanting to move in with us (if and when we get a bigger house). I have a feeling I know what is right and just in this situation, but I'm honestly not sure my sanity can survive it.

 I am reading... 
I am hoping...
 That a statue I ordered comes soon, because they already charged my credit card even though it was back ordered, and I don't wanna deal with them...

 I am looking forward to...
 dh being home on my birthday, a huge consignment sale coming, and a rare outing with friends for our fake book club. We do typically read the book, but then we only talk about it for 10 minutes max and spend two hours chatting about whatever.

 We are learning ...
 Maybe this should be in the pondering section.  I miss the long ago when read alouds and discussion ruled our days. But with two distinct age groups of kids, including a preschooler and one with special educational needs (read: me facilitating her learning takes up gobs of my time), when are we going to read and discuss several different books at a time? And if I do, when am I going to help the others through all their other subjects? When am going to blog cook?  Read gratuitous novels clean?

 Around the house...
 presents and annoying mylar balloons. Happy birthday Grace! I can't believe she is NINE.  Nine! That makes me, like, old!

 I am pondering...
 changing my kids' blog names again. I've never resonated with these, even though the kids picked them themselves and should be happy with that. Maybe go back to my Little Women names or pick my favorite saints or something. Thoughts?

 A favorite quote for today...
from Dracula - parking it here to unravel it later:
(from the professional's notes about a man in an insane asylum)
"I presume that the sanguine temperament itself and the disturbing influence end in a mentally-accomplished finish, a possibly dangerous man, probably dangerous if unselfish. In selfish men caution is as secure an armour for their foes as for themselves. What I think of on this point is, when self is the fixed point the centripetal force is balanced with the centrifugal. When duty, a cause, etc., is the fixed point, the latter force is paramount, and only accident or a series of accidents can balance it."

 One of my favorite things...
the chocolate milk from the dairy that delivers to our house

 A few plans for the rest of the week:
 more dental work for the 6yo - she was SO great last week, the usually staid dentist was practically gushing about how well behaved she was (*fist pump for the mom*)

 A peek into my day...

 The necessities of math:  calculator, protractor, huge eraser, and mysterious red velvet cape and hood. :)

For more daybooks, please visit The Simple Woman's Daybook. :)


  1. Just a quick note to say hi, I read this, am too sick to leave a proper comment. Cough sniff.

  2. We have capes like that. re blog names- If I had my time again I would pick names that would be fine younger and older. eg. I named my oldest Koala which was cutesy but as she got older too cutesy, when she turned 18 I changed her blog name to Anna Maria her Confirmation name. If I had my time again I would just go with their middle or Confirmation names or the like. actually with my last two I did a variation of their middle names.

  3. I hope you are feeling a little better today, Sarah!

    Erin, I know what you mean about names not fitting. It's hard to pick something you like, isn't it! I mean, it's just a blog pseudonym, but I think names have meaning - even nick names and pseudonyms, so I want to feel good about them. One of my kids' current pseudonyms IS her middle name, but I don't think it suits her as a blog name for some reason. :)


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