Thursday, February 02, 2012

My heart aches

There's too much pain around me... friends losing  sons, people name calling on Facebook over politics and Komen/PP, lack of health (chronic) in my own family.  And I know I shouldn't let facebook stuff bother me. It does hurt, however, when people who I truly consider friends call people who believe how I believe "stupid, disgusting, small minded."

I just want to sit in a warm field with a cool breeze and write poetry.

Except I don't write poetry, lol.

{{haiku doesn't count. my haiku is like guerilla poetry. I need peaceful, breathing, slow poetry}}

I just want it to stop hurting.

Perhaps the sun coming out would be helpful.

Our Backyard
This is not a downer post, however. You may read it like that, but that is not the reality of my heart.

No, I don't have any quick fixes -- no "wrap it up warmly in four paragraphs" going on here.   Have I ever?

How do you wrap up this crazy world? This awesome journey?

Perhaps it doesn't matter how sad I am, perhaps what matters is each moment of choosing. Choosing to enjoy slicing an avacado for the family's lunch. To laugh at a visiting 5 year-old's potty humor. To find beef bones at the market and make beef stock for the first time, learning and being present with it.

A better blogger would have nice pictures to go along with all this. I am not that blogger.

I'm not sure what I am.  Should a woman about to turn 43 still wonder what she is going to be when she grows up? :)

Did you know my favorite poet is e.e. cummings?  I think of him as a sculptor-poet.  I think like him.

This often gets me in trouble.


  1. I'm with you! It's getting ugly, especially on FB. I'm going back to my knitting. ;)

  2. I know, Jennifer, isn't it awful? I think knitting would make me more frustrated right now, lol, but your recent post has inspired me to hurry up and buy my heirloom seeds for the spring. I'll hide out among my dirt and seeds.

  3. I stay away from FB most of the time, for this reason. I think the PP saga is sad, and complex, and I have been staying out of it too. Luckily for me, I have the excuse of not being American!

    I love the idea of haiku being guerilla poetry. That's so great! And I can just envision you as a guerilla poet. I am trying to think of the perfect poet for you to read, but so many of them were rebels, revolutionaries, commentators ... Maybe Mary Oliver would be just right for you at this time. She knows about focussing on the beauty of the moment.

    ps, your post doesnt read like a downer. They never do.

  4. Sarah. Sarah! I just googled Mary Oliver, picked a page with her poems, and before reading more than 5 words I got the chills and started crying. Something "came together" at that moment...hard to describe -- . I will definitely be reading more. Thank you so much!

  5. Oh and I don't mind rebels and revolutionaries - Jesus was one, after all, but I do appreciate when they are for the cause of Good. :) I have enough evil in my life without inviting it in through poetry.

  6. Oh, boy do I empathize! All the ugliness is sometimes very hard to bear. The gloomy weather doesn't help, does it?
    ee cummings, however, just might.

  7. I haven't checked Facebook recently, but I just wanted to comment that I loved your writing in this post. Beautiful and thoughtful! Seeing ee cummings as a sculptor poet helps me understand him better : )

  8. Amy{{}}
    have to say I enjoy the quiet without FB, too much noise today, I'm really learning to savour quiet.

  9. Amy, you are a poet.

    I know what you mean. I get all shaken up at the slightest whiff of animosity lately...I just want everyone to love each other, to pursue peace...

    I rarely go on facebook because there is such a clamor of voices. A friend sitting at your kitchen table will be much more civil than she would be on facebook. It is astonishing, and a painful discovery.

    I'm sending you hugs, and letting you know you're not the only one.

    And we're all still growing up...


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