Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Pinning it Down


A Day Late and a Yummy Recipe Short

Since going gluten free I have been trying to be more creative in the kitchen, trying things I normally wouldn't.  Pinterest has been very helpful in that regard... I love saving recipes to try for later.

This week we tried Chocolate Kiwi Pops, originally from Showfood Chef.

I apologize for the lack of pretty pictures.  It was night, and my camera is cheap. :)

We didn't use popsicle sticks, we just used forks and all went at the chocolate at the same time like animals.

The children loved watching the chocolate harden onto the frozen fruit.

I don't think any of us really liked the Kiwi pops, but luckily I had frozen some banana slices too. Those were very good. Pineapple was a close second.  The combination of the sour kiwi and the cold was really just too much for us.

We did refrigerate the leftover chocolate dipping sauce in candy molds and it was smooth and delicious the next day.

Who needs fruit? :)

For more people Pinning it Down, please visit Pam at Everyday Snapshots!


  1. Those look good :)

    I want to try going gluten free but have been hesitant. Hadn't thought of looking through Pinterest for ideas.

  2. These look great, might have to try them myself!

  3. My kids made me buy a kiwi at the market the other day. We have yet to cut into it. I am not sure they will like it, but maybe dipped in chocolate...

  4. i *love* bananas dipped in chocolate. yum. yum. yum. hmmm... wonder if i could drum some up for breakfast.... :)

  5. I love this idea, Amy. Looks so yummy.


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