Saturday, August 04, 2012

Seven Quick Takes

7 quick takes


I just spent way too long creating a new header photo for the blog today. Seems a little sad since I never post anymore! But I love it.  I don't necessarily like how it looks here on the blog, but looking at it alone in Picasa just made me smile huge. And that in itself is huge these days.  Creativity, how I've missed you.


I've had all day to sit here and tinker while helping the children with schoolwork, since I promised to give away a large amount of homeschooling stuff to someone who was supposed to call/write and show up today.  I haven't heard hide nor hair from her.  Ummm, I'm giving away something that cost me a mint and then took (seriously) countless hours to put together. The least you could do is show up. Hmmph. 


Enough complaining. HAPPY THOUGHTS!!  My friend has gone into labor with her third son, the mail just came, dh is bringing home pizza, and my children have been singing VBS songs every time we get in the car... "This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down His life for us!


So who's enjoying the Olympics?  I'm watching here and there, usually 24 hours later when I can find the clips online. :)  We have some local talent there in London and it's always interesting to see how they do.  I loved this quote I read today from Gabby Douglas after she won the Women's Gymnastics All Around title: " I give all the Glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him, and all the blessings fall down on me. 


As my weight has been creeping up (Down boy! Down!!)  I've been reading up more on lower carb, higher protein/higher fat diets and insulin resistance.  This week I tried to slowly integrate some of the ideas.  This is going to be quite the uphill battle for this junkfood junkie with food restrictions in the house.  I especially have a hard time thinking I'm worth the trouble of eating a separate meal if that's what makes me feel good. (I'm also quite lazy).  I did well for a few days, but I did hop off the wagon drastically today when my dd offered to make me brownie-in-a-mug.  Luckily, I now feel pretty gross, so I'm hoping that will teach me a lesson.  Basically at this point I'm trying to choose fruit over a cookie or chocolate chips, and making sure I include protein and fat in each meal/snack.  I don't feel well with raw fruit/veggies unless I do that.  I think my stomach ran out of acid or something, lol.


I'm having fun looking for new ways to teach my mathy almost-5 and 7 year olds. The 5yo eats up math like a starving, ummm, mathematician, but the 7yo is more circumspect and I'm never quite sure *what* is up with her learning wise, except that she is b.o.r.e.d. .  I did a little better with her this year in buying 3rd grade workbooks instead of 2nd, and at least she enjoys the help since they are more difficult for her.  I think she will enjoy some of the activities I'm finding on Living Math and Crewton Ramone's blog.  Now I just have to buy more manipulatives. I gave all mine away. :-P


This post has morphed into Seven Quick Takes Saturday.  I guess that is good, because it was only Five Quick Takes Friday last night.  You could argue that this is only Six Quick Takes. ;-)  So let me babble on about something else.  I can't believe it's already August.  Just a few short weeks and school-year activities start up again.  Picture me hiding under my bed. LOL  Or sitting in the backyard, which is another place no one would find me as my children need to be bribed to go outside unless a pool is involved.

Happy Saturday everyone!

For more 7 Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


  1. Love the new header, Amy! It is so gorgeous! I can't believe it's August, either. So much to do, so little time.

    1. Thanks Jenn! So much to do, so little time indeed!

  2. I like the new header, too! And tell me if you find out what to do for your young mathy kids; I have a couple of mathy 6 yo's myself, and I think they are bored, too. The living math books seem to keep them interested, but for manipulatives are hard around here. Either no one will sit down and mess with them (when I want them to anyway) or I'm not organized enough to have them out. Actually, shelf space would help with that. (Sigh.)

    Oh, but they do like board games, too, so I was thinking of bulking up our game collection.

  3. Board games! I never thought of that for math. Jeffrey likes those too. Thanks for the idea! Not that we have places to store those either, lol.

    I was hoping to blog about whatever non-booky math we come up with, mostly for my own lack of brain cells, so I don't forget! :) The reason I gave away our manipulatives in the first place is exactly what you talked about - no one used them or I forgot to suggest it when I had them as a captive math loving audience. OR, they used them, but to play some pretend game, lol. "Jeffrey, the red beads are apples. Now feed them to my doll." ;-)

  4. I love the new header! It goes so beautifully with the background.

  5. Thank you Sarah! It was blogger's background that got me liking dandelion puffs (or whatever they are really called). I loved the "wish" and "adventure" connotations of them all flying off to who knows where. :)


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