Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I'll start out my "gifted" thoughts writing almost nothing myself and quoting another blogger's great post. Can I call myself a blogger or a writer if all I do is link and quote? :)

Erin shared a link to a new-to-me blog in the comments: Defying Gravity. In a recent post, the author Ingi states:

You see, mate, it's often not great to be "gifted" (unless that gift is being a gifted swimmer or footballer, but in the case of James "the Missile" Magnusson or Ben Barba, not even then, on reflection).
It's not great to be so far to the right of the bell curve that no one "gets" you, except maybe your mum. It's not great to feel different from all your age peers. It's not great to have to deal with the expectations of being "really smart". It's not great to deal with the heightened nervous system that has you feeling everything so intensely and questioning everything so thoroughly.
And don't even get me started on exceptionally/profoundly gifted kids, twice-exceptional kids or God forbid, EG/PG 2e kids!

Do go read the whole thing.  Ingi also links to other people talking about the same thing (Seth Godin commenting about how great it would be to be gifted).  They cover many ideas that I was going to (or will, depending on my ever fickle mood, LOL!)

Right now I have a sick 10 year old to tend to. :(


  1. I agree completely, but I would add that actually it's not so great to be gifted in sport either. Infact in some ways I would say its worse.

  2. I can imagine that, Sarah, although I have no direct experience.


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