Wednesday, April 24, 2013


  1. You and me, both! It would be nice if that acorn presented itself a little more obviously, like falling on our heads, right?

  2. Lol, I was going to come here and tell you that it's uncanny, yesteday I read something about the acorn hypothesis too, such a small world ... then I clicked on your link and realised actually that's what I read. Which goes to prove I have an acorn for a brain.

    I don't know that I fully agree with the hypothesis, at least not as I read it - which is to say, I read the reviews for the book at Amazon (and expect you to be very impressed by my thorough research) - I've seen people who have developed many acorns over their lives, as well as acorns that have flourished beautifully and then stopped and never returned in any form. And people who have no apparent acorns at all - perhaps because they are willow tree people? But in any case, I adore Laura's blog.

    1. Your research is fuller than mine, I didn't even go over to Amazon. :) I agree with you that I don't think ONE acorn is truth for all people. I love your "willow tree people" idea! I think I'm a willow tree person. :) I have many little talents like willow branches overhanging everything. At the same time, greatly yearn for that acorn, and I don't think it's just envy, I think there is a brilliance in everybody if they just find it or are open to it or listen to God's leading...or something. I sound like I'm contradicting myself, but it makes sense in my mind. Or maybe I really am contradicting myself and being stupid. Who knows, I only have an acorn for a brain myself!


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