Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Let's try this again

I just lost a blog post about trying  new blogging app...at this rate it's going to turn into a review - a bad one! But I will hold off.  My iPad has a mind of its own when it comes to just closing apps at whim.

So anyway, I was saying I'm guiltily trying out this new app. Guiltily, because it cost money.  Yes, I do agonize over every little purchase that isn't necessary.  It doesn't help that I'm married to a man that almost *never* buys anything frivolous for himself.  But the difference is he seems happy that way, where I am not. :)   He's also a better big picture thinker when it comes to this stuff -- he's happy to put off today's pleasures for tomorrows goals. I am too, but there is only so much of that I can take.  I need to better learn how to calm my stress without eating or spending. (She says as she sticks another mint M&M in her mouth...)

I bought the app to make it easier to take and insert pictures into my posts with our various "devices."   Like this one:

I love the color of this yarn. It's only Lion Brand Homespun, but it's so soft and the blues make me happy (is that an oxymoron?).  I don't even feel guilty about this purchase because I bought the yarn at half price AND I'm giving away most of the things I make with it.  Not that I *should* feel guilty, but this way I don't even have to think twice and worry about that "fine line" between frivolous spending and good spending.

What I *do* have to worry about is the fact that I don't know how to calm my stress down lately without either eating or shopping.  Eating usually wins out, or I just stay stressed.  

Here's a small reason I need to destress: 

The aftermath of our morning. Notice the lack of children available to clean it up. :-P  So I'm off to go find them!

Hope all my blog readers that celebrate Easter had a delightful one!

P.S. the app is called BlogGo. I like it so far but there are definitely quirks that I'm not sure are my fault or theirs. I'll save a real review until I've used it a good number of times. It's better than Blogger's free app, from what I have heard. 
(ETA: Thank you Sarah for alerting me to the huge problem with my post! I definitely think it had something to do with the app... :-P )


  1. Hope that fixed it, Sarah! And thanks again.

  2. Wait. There are mint M&Ms????!!!

  3. Technically, they were little York candies, but they look just like M&Ms and they are mint flavored. I got them mixed up with my raspberry M&Ms. By *my* I mean the stuff I bought for the kids for Easter and then saved for myself, LOL.


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