Monday, April 08, 2013

No title because...

...I can't seem to change myself to become a joiner. Today is the day people do the Simple Woman's Daybook, or Catholic Woman's Almanac, or all manner of similar things. And then every once in a while I do it too, and never even link up, and feel weird for even trying to fit in. I feel like I'm over here in the corner, half invisible and obscured, waving my hands wildly, going "look at me! look at me!! I'm doing it TOOOOOO!!!" Meanwhile, crowds are milling about, oblivious to my little show. So I finally look around, look down a little sheepishly... find a window to gaze out of and thank God for the sun and the clouds and the little bunnies that visit my yard...and go about my day. (a little more beaten down but perhaps a touch wiser)

 The thing is, I love the format. Well, most of it. But apparently it's rude to steal it and not give credit, but I don't want to do it exactly like anyone else does, and I don't want to wave my arms and jump up and down in a crowded room just to be ignored.


 Anyway, all this rambling is because I found ONE thing that I wanted to share, LOL. So technically I don't even have a "daybook" or "almanac" going at all, more like a Simple Woman's Pamphlet or Catholic Woman's Paragraph. ;-)

Why don't I just drop all the "pondering, reading, thinking, eating, wearing" subtitles and just cut to the chase today - here it is, from Beth Willis Miller's Blog: (she's quoting from Experiencing God, a bible study by Henry Blackaby)

 From Experiencing God: "For his sixth birthday, my oldest son Richard was old enough to have a bicycle. I looked all around for a bicycle. I found a blue Schwinn. I bought it and hid it in the garage. Then I had a task—to convince Richard that he needed a blue Schwinn bike. For the next little while, we began to work with Richard. Richard decided that what he really wanted for his birthday was a blue Schwinn bike. Do you know what Richard got? Well, the bike was already in the garage. I just had to convince him to ask for it. He asked for it, and he got it! What happens when you pray? The Holy Spirit knows what God has "in the garage." It is already there. The Holy Spirit's task is to get you to want it—to get you to ask for it. What will happen when you ask for things God already wants to give or do? You will always receive it. Why? Because you have asked according to the will of God. When God answers your prayer, He gets the glory and your faith is increased."

This opened my eyes to something I hadn't understood before. For way too long I have been wanting things that are apparently outside of God's will (because years and years later I still haven't gotten them). I need to start begging the Holy Spirit to delight me with the specifics of God's will, so that I can want and ask for them, and feel fulfilled and loved.  I need that.  I'm not yet at the place where I can simply say "Your will be done" and let life hit me like a hurricane.  I need to feel like God gifted me with something specific that I wanted. Even if I only wanted it because the Holy Spirit told me God wanted me to have it.  

May God bless your week abundantly!



  1. I see you. And I love what you have to share.

  2. What a great reminder, Amy! Thanks!


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